Leyth Art
jeudi 27 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 27
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mercredi 26 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 27 : Wisdom. They say the bird's wisdom will touch the one who wears its remains .. all she wanted was to be the best ruler for her people.. little that she knew..gradually giving up her human appearance was the price.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2f8jkfv
mardi 25 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 25
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2eCfNV9
lundi 24 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober "Late" Day 23 : Sceptile. Ruined it -_-.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dPOJQZ
#inktober2016 #inktober "Late" Day 22: Asui. Still catching up with fanart.. who else loves Asui? #asui #myheroacademia #bokunoheroacademia
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dBr0Wk
dimanche 23 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober2016 Day: 21 Little Devil Teemo. A little behind.. took some rest before moving to my new apartment later this week .. so i'll catch up doing some fanarts^^ #lol #leagueoflegends #teemo #littledevilteemo
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dMAaxF
jeudi 20 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 20: Volik. Sank ya @le_fabius for the help ^^ Living in the jungles of Yalamo is as close to a death wish as you can get, with it's gargantuan beasts roaming through the day and it's silent and deadly predators scouring the night, it leaves little room for one to even see his life flash before his eyes. You just wouldn't have that luxury. In the heart of the jungle, a famous race of chameleon humanoids live peacefully with the ability to blend into their surroundings -- except for one. Seen as a taint to their race, Volik was born without this handy ability of survival, with malice growing within him, he dedicated his life in trying to discover a method to not only blend into his surroundings -- but to turn invisible.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2eofQkh
mercredi 19 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 19 : A tailor with the soul of a fencer^^.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dAAcIV
mardi 18 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 18: Supreme Judge. Concept by @le_fabius^^ The country of golden pillars, Elna, home to land's most tyrannical judges, ruled not by a king, but by a supreme judge of the golden bloodline. Elna's form and name has changed countless times throughout history depending on its ruling judge dynasty. None however, have ever matched the cruelty of the golden bloodline, those born with the ability to turn anything they touch to gold. Anyone judged guilty by the Supreme Judge would face being turned to gold, then melted and used to build even more golden structures.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2eqa5lh
lundi 17 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober2016 Day 17: i hope u guys count this as one lol. Feeling super burned out tonight looking for a new appartment and all .. so sorry no story tonight.. Sketches from random refs from earlier today^^ another story tomorrow inshallah^^
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2eyVcSF
dimanche 16 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 16: Totho and Mateh. Another amazing concept by @le_fabius!! Listen ... The country of golden pillars, Elna, home to land's most tyrannical judges, ruled not by a king, but by a supreme judge of the golden bloodline. Elna's form and name has changed countless times throughout history depending on its ruling judge dynasty. None however, have ever matched the cruelty of the golden bloodline, those born with the ability to turn anything they touch to gold. Anyone judged guilty by the Supreme Judge would face being turned to gold, then melted and used to build even more golden structures. Totho and Mateh, parents to children who were mercilessly sentenced to death by golden touch, have dedicated their lives in reviving the old defeated bloodlines against the supreme judge. To fight evil with evil and bring his reign to an end. Having grieved over the loss of their children, the collected the molten forms of their children and formed weapons, so they may carry their children with them wherever their rage takes them. The fate of Elna remains to be seen, but is sure to be seen on the streets and under the burning red sky -- vengeance.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2elpvIS
samedi 15 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 15: Lady of the lake. What if Lady of the lake meets Medusa?. In this tale it happend.. she sailed deep withing the lake and mourned the death of her husband everyday for years, all he wanted is to find the enchanted sword deep within the lake for the heroic purpose of defending his village, but in his little boat he drowned instead by a greedy bunch that only sees fortune on such a relic...the sword then reached out to her, its enchantment passed to her body, since then she's been its gardian and only the warrior with the most noble case would be able to use the sword or else its death by the thunder of eels that merged with her body.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2ej4pL3
vendredi 14 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 14: Chess. A game of chess is what was going to decide which of the two kings will reign over the holy land, it seemed about to end when suddenly the ground shook, an ancient magic was awakened, a golem emerged from the middle of the tent made of chess pieces that grew in size and pieces of armors that were displayed around, slaughtered both kings in one swipe and anyone who dared to attack him.. thus the holy land created its own guardian.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dQp1LB
jeudi 13 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 13: Sadafa and Mahar. @le_fabius came up with the coolest story .. listen.. In a land far away, known only to a few, there was a legend of a women of the great clam tribe, who fought off the rise of evil witches and warlocks who sought to steal all the pearls of the land. Though she was successful in stopping these forces, it was not without sacrificing her own life, leaving her young son in the care of her mother. On the child's 8th birthday, he was cursed by a lone surviving warlock. Given no other choice, the grandmother used to the power of the mystical clams, a secret only their tribe knows in order to cure him. As the boy suddenly stopped breathing, the grandmother panicked and messed one word in her chant. The spell was done, but with her taking over the body of her grandson, and her grandson taking over a clamshell, becoming her familiar as they journey in search of the warlock to reverse what he started.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dnubPG
mercredi 12 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 12: Volcan. Thank ya @le_fabius for the awesome help with the Idea!!. As a punishment for what the tribe judged wrongdoing, he was thrown into the mighty volcano in the hope that he will meet a painful death, he's thought to be gone long time ago, but an unkown blessing saved his skin, the lava feared him instead and the mighty volcano fell under his control .. revenge is boiling inside of him, he can burn them all but would he ? The still human side of him wouldn't.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dY9par
mardi 11 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 11: Baba Yaga. Something inspired from a Slovic folklore character called Baba yaga, mixed with some Berber influence ^^ Thnx @julius_drey for the ref!^^
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dayYk7
lundi 10 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 10: Itri (not E3!). She's an old character i did..probably the only one i named lol.. i wanna develop her story some time later ... she's known to be a wonderous kid, with unheard of skills in potion making, she stores her potions in pieces bamboo canes, and uses them for pretty much anything, even on her little lizard friend she can turn into a mount!
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dL1Imz
dimanche 9 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 09: Mad. Professor knew his wife was one of a kind, but he never realized to what point! She's one of a few people able to transfer their soul into objets and their beloved daughter enherited the same ability .. soon they both were subject to scientefic experiments and the unexpected happened..their souls got trapped in two suspeciously lost microchips while the whole rest of the labs got burned to ashes including their bodies ..in his despair he worked on one last project ! two destruction machines with the only purpose of helping him rid the world of any mad science harming humans.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dUwwQi
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 09: Mad. Professor knew his wife was one of a kind, but he never realized to what point! She's one of a few people able to transfer their soul into objets and their beloved daughter enherited the same ability .. soon they both were subject to scientefic experiments and the unexpected happened..their souls got trapped in two suspeciously lost microchips while the whole rest of the labs got burned to ashes including their bodies ..in his despair he worked on one last project ! two destruction machines with the only purpose of helping him rid the world of any mad science harming humans.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dUxdsY
samedi 8 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 08: the dragon descendants. The legend says that the dragon descendants will bring peace to the world, but when two clans think they are, it's definitely war!
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2cZo855
Just some practice from earlier today ^^ today's sketch is still coming later ^^ # inktober
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dAS35o
vendredi 7 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 07: Secret of Mana. It was little request ^^ and testing a speedball pen .. i ll try it a little more but i most probably will get back to the usual pens cauz this is a little slow -_-
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dSHB8Z
jeudi 6 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 06: "go ahead boy.. place it!"
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2cVqVMA
mercredi 5 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober day 5 : CALM DOWN!. She wanted to prove to everyone that she's more than a whiny rebelious good for nothing, so she went on a quest to find one of the rarest creatures anyone has ever tamed before, it breaths fire that burns for 3 days and can't be put out, enhanced with cannon pieces now it's her weapon and her way to be part of the special forces, so how long can she hide that she can't fully control the beast yet? Yep in this world, you need a gun you have to tame it!
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2e2y26b
mardi 4 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober day 4: Vulture. It was so shameful for a warrior as great as him to loose his arm in a battle, he now wanders empty battlefields remembering his past glorious victories, scavanging and selling leftover weapons for a living, with probably the least approachable companion, a ghoul that he once found eating dead bodies.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dYS8yo
lundi 3 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 3 : Torn. (Excuse my poor english !) Since the accident that costed her the blessing of sight, her Father swore to never let any harm touch her, and as he was a great wizard, even after his death he left her with a powerful spell, the embodiment of his cautiousness and care, two arms that prevent her from commiting anything of harm to herself.. and soon it became more of a curse than it is a blessing ! She's now torn between finding a way to lift the spell, gain her freedom back and learn from mistakes or keep the will of her beloved protective father alive.. what should she choose?
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dN3L8l
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 3 : Torn. (Excuse my poor english !) Since the accident that costed her the blessing of sight, her Father swore to never let any harm touch her, and as he was a great wizard, even after his death he left her with a powerful spell, the embodiment of his cautiousness and care, two arms that prevent her from commiting anything of harm to herself.. and soon it became more of a curse than it is a blessing ! She's now torn between finding a way to lift the spell, gain her freedom back and learn from mistakes or keep the will of her beloved protective father alive.. what should she choose?
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dN3L8l
dimanche 2 octobre 2016
#inktober2016 #inktober Day 2: Mist bringer . Their job in war is blind enemies with smoke while they stand taller than everyone on their leg armor piece, they hunt their enemies down with a spear the way a bear catches fish in a river, they have enhanced sight capabilities that allowes them to see through the mist, they mostly wear shades of grey and no visible metal armor pieces on the upper body to avoid being spotted due to the glare.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dnabLI
samedi 1 octobre 2016
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from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dIrs1A
#inktober2016#inktober day1: The musician. This is also a follow up on what i learned during #THU2016 which is: storytelling story telling and then some more storytelling !. . . Fleeing rejection, She abandoned her fame as the greatest musician playing what people want to hear, seeking in animals trees, rivers and mountains the more accepting audience that share her newly found love for nature and her new tones that captures that.
from Facebook http://ift.tt/2dzWMDN
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